
Etch-primed the new steel door pillar reinforcement plate.

Sprayed the nearside chassis side member with red oxide as far as the rear of the engine bay, using a brush to get to the top and  bottom surfaces that the spray gun couldn’t reach.

Sprayed the new steel plate for the entrance pillar with green smooth hammerite.

Paid  attention to the steel reinforcing plates that connect the side rods to the floor cross bearers.  Those on the nearside between the axles were wire brushed then two coats of Vactan applied ready for red oxide tomorrow.


Painted the rest of the entrance step frame with silver smooth hammerite this morning.  This afternoon I made all the side rod brackets for the near side, noting the subtle angle of the top flange that allows the bracket to follow the curve of the lower side rod legs.

New side rod brackets. These attach the lower legs to the main part of the side rod and abut the floor.

New side rod brackets. These attach the lower legs to the main part of the side rod and abut the floor.



Painted the first coat of silver smooth hammerite onto the entrance step frame.  Removed the steel reinforcement plate from the rearward entrance pillar and made a replacement.

This pile of scrap in front of the dustbin is pretty much all that remained of the original entrance steps.

This pile of scrap in front of the dustbin is pretty much all that remained of the original entrance steps.