
I installed the nearside curved corner boot lining panel yesterday and spent today trimming it to  fit around the boot door aperture.
I also filled the gaps between the sections of the boot lining and replaced the screws in the rear seat support brackets – these had to be removed for the curved section of lining to be fitted.

In the afternoon I repaired some holes in the gangway well in the boot roof with fibreglass, this will need to be filled over and sanded tomorrow.


Today I spent detail finishing the offside corner inner panel where it meets the boot door and installing the nearside flat lining panels.  There is a bit more work to do to the door aperture frame at the bottom right hand corner, which I hope to complete tomorrow.


Work this week has been concentrated on getting the boot doors right and fitting the inner lining panels for the boot.  The right-hand boot door  frame has been painted with red primer.  I cut a new ply panel but have had problems forming it to the complex curve of the frame. I may have to do this with more flexible ply.

All the hinge plates have been installed ready for refitting the doors and the cladding around the door aperture.

The offside inner lining panels were cut from ply, primed and fitted.

The right-hand inner corner lining has been made out of flexible ply and fitted.