Surprisingly, the emergencydoor handle was ready on Monday, a very quick turnaround and cheap too, at £40! Work continues on the emergency door window frame, firstly correcting the dimensions of the outer frame top horizontal, which sets the rest of the outer frame’s dimensions. Next was to cut, fold and weld on the sides and the bottom outer pieces. By the end of the week I had finished the entire frame ready for cosmetic filling and had a pplied a preliminary coat of red oxide to the rear ready for sealing the welds.
Monthly Archives: August 2024
First job this week was to start manufacturing the emergency door window frame. On the Wednesday I delivered the the handle to the chrome platers at Ongar. Still waiting for the glass for the remaining O/S window. by the end of the week I had trial fitted the top outer frame piece to the ED window frame. This revealed that I needed to reduce the inner depth by 3.4mm towards the glass in order for it to fit properly against the inner surround, so I removed again ready for work on Monday. This also affects all the dimensions of the remaining outer pieces.