The lack of recent posts belies the basic monotony of current work on the offside frame. Mostly it has been the removal of rusty screws and nails from the frame above the floor line. This has progressed as far as the cab door and is virtually complete in terms or plugging screw and nail holes with dowels. The horizontal framing above the window openings has received some new timber to replace the odd bit of wet rot but this needs further attention and screw removal before it is finished. An emerging fact is the offside frame has been much less carefully finished than the nearside; stupidly long screws and large nails have been used to fix the panels. On the positive side, above the floor it is generally in good condition. The rear wheelarch has been repaired with new timber exactly as it was and naturally this is quite different from the nearside. The next job when the upper frame is complete will be removal and refurbishment of the fuel tank, which appears to be the wrong tank.