Tidied up the wiring through the cab. Stripped and painted the cab headlight mounting and pod, ready for refitting. Made a new outer for the speedo cable which entailed turning a new speedo end fitting from aluminium and devising a way to lock it to the the cable outer, which I made from flexible conduit as used for the wiring. After several 8uncuccesful attempts I cut slots in the fitting where the outer cable slides in, annealed the fitting then calmped it tight with a jubille clip. Remanufacturing the speedo cable too the best part of a week. Next I stripped the paint from the cover that fits over the through wiring in the cab , primed and painted it. Next job to be addressed was to manufacture a new vacuum tube to the autovac from the exhauster. I managed to get it the right shape after a bit of trial and error but having trouble soldering the steel nipple at the exhauster end so will replace this with a brass one.