
Started the week by applying a second coat of grey paint to the back of the new window frame.  I noted that the weld-thru primer did not adhere well to the bare metal on the frame so I had to to rub it off.  At this point I decided to glaze it, then  repaint it with red oxide.  Before I started to put the glass in, I removed the remaining seat cushions, cleaned them and loaded them in the car with the moquette for delivery to Ifor, which I did on Wednesday.  Attempting to put the glass in revealed that the pane was just too big, so the original template was adjusted and a new piece ordered from Dunmow glass.  I sprayed the frame with Jenolite red oxide then started on dismanting the emergency door; this gave me some difficulty with screw removal, requiring some drilling.  It also revealed how rotted the emrgency door window frame was.