A slow start to the week, wet and very cold and other tasks were diverting me but I managed to fit the new piece of half-round beading and drill and fix the remaining screws in the top waistrail beading. I then added another 1m long piece to the flat lower waistrail beading. Next job was to mark out and drill and fit the half-round beading that trims the bottom edge of the O/S panels between the front and rear wheelarches. A shrt section remains, which can’t be cut to size until the wheelarch beading is on. A first attempt at curving the beading for the O/S front wheel arch around a brake drum was promising at first, then failed dismally. Annealing the piece solved the problem and I was able to get the curve almost correct before temporary fitting, which was virtually complete before the end of play on Saturday. Just the end that wraps around the front remains to be fixed. Some damage to the edge of the beading will need attention before final intallation, but overall a useful week.