I managed to almost completely assemble another window today. I just need to fit the top seal with its aluminium seat and it will be complete and ready for fitting.
Tag Archives: windows
Entries from 4/10 were lost due to failure of QHoster in allowing their installation to be hacked and encrypted by ransomware. A summary follows:
The angle brackets have been fitted, these reinforce the joints between the lower perimeter frame and the body cross-bearers at the boot.
Next the external cladding panels for the waistrail above the boot doors and below the rear window was fitted.
The entrance steps were next on the list, the last of the non-slip strips fitted and the bottom step drilled for the rearmost handrail which has been temporarily fitted to provide location guidance for the horizontal beading below the rear bulkhead window.
Work then turned to fitting the cladding to the nearside from the windows downwards in preparation for fitting the nearside windows.
Next, three droplight frames were painted ready for assembly then the two broken droplights were reglazed and the brass frames repaired as necessary. Over the last few days I have fitted out the first of the frames (bay 2) with the Delrin strips which will take the screws for the droplight fittings. The droplight components have been “chromed” as necessary and the top seal glued with silicone to its aluminium runner – this will be fitted last after the glazing is installed in the frame.
Final fettling, prep and etch priming the last four half-drop window frames was the work for today.