Tag Archives: windows


Some progress today.  Work on the three remaining half-drop windows continued with cleaning and preparing for paint the fixed-glazing bottom clamp bars.  This involved the use of citric acid to remove the aluminium oxide from the corrosion pits, luckily this is all on the inner surfaces where these were screwed to the steel window frames.  It is surprising (and annoying) that Weymann did not at least give these a coat of paint as a barrier between the steel and aluminium to prevent electrolytic corrosion.

The completed first window has had as much excess sealant removed as possible whilst it is on the bench and all the steelwork has been treated with waxoyl on top of the paint to seal any exposed metal.  It is now ready for fitting.

The aluminium waistrail panel was fitted in the first bay today, this was a pre-requisite for fitting the window.



Dismantled the remaining three nearside half-drop windows today.  Salvaged the glass that was usable  and the brass channel from the top rail of two of them.  The third was so choked with decomposed rubber that I left it for another time.   Cut up the rusty steel into easily-disposed-of pieces ready to take to the tip.  Started to scrape the corrosion from the alloy fixed glazing bottom clamp bars.