Tag Archives: windows


Yesterday and today were spent completing the second window frame.  This was a laborious process of tack welding and trial fitting, however I made a frame jig which holds the sides and bottom horizontal in the correct position for welding the top horizontal into place and this has proved very successful.

Lower horizontal being assembled

Lower horizontal being assembled



Work continues on the window frames.  Today was spent fabricating the lower horizontal no.4 and the end of the afternoon I cut out the material for the corner cladding plates, these can be welded tomorrow then all three of latest lower horizontals will be complete.  If time allows I will make the upper horizontals as the correct size material to make them in one piece (though two halves due to length) is in stock now.


Not much to report this week.  Almost all work has been focused on making parts for the half-drop window frames.  So far,  I have made one complete frame, two lower horizontals, one upper horizontal and a full set of verticals for the nearside.  This afternoon I spent the last hour bending channel section for the lower corners, eight in total  (two per window) from scrap left over from making the straight parts.   I have enough steel in stock to make the offside windows too.