Tag Archives: boot floor


I continued with yesterday’s work today by cutting out a replacement vertical for the corner upright on the RH side of the boot.  I attempted at first to make a cardboard template for this but found this unsatisfactory so made one out of scrap aluminium instead.  The new pillar is about ready for fitting, it just needs a bit of adjustment at the bottom where it meets the boot floor.

During the course of this I found severe rot in the boot floor at the door sill, so this will need to be replaced in due course.


The previous couple of days were spent in much-needed tidying of the bus shed and installation of two large cupboards at the end furthest from the big doors.  This has enabled me to store all the paint safely and get a lot of other stuff off the floor.

Today I was able to assemble the steel reinforcement plates to the body frame behind the NSR wheelarch and the boot.  One plate remains to be fitted, this being the one behind the boot front closing plate which will need to be drilled and fitted before this plate can be bolted up.

I ordered the floor covering for the boot and luggage racks today.



Yesterday and today were spend manufacturing a rather complex shaped piece of timber to repair the siderod just aft of the NSR wheelarch.    This needs to provide location for the boot floor perimeter rail and the lower perimeter rail along the rear of the bus.  This piece is about ready to be installed but requires a little more adjustment and cutting to suit the body tumblehome.

Timber to rear of wheelbox/NSR wheelarch

Timber to rear of wheelbox/NSR wheelarch

Looking rearwards from above the axle

Looking rearwards from above the axle