Yesterday I made and fitted a repair section to the frame rear of the offside rear wheelarch. Today I finished that repair by sanding the profile of the old and new pieces to a good line. Next I drilled the cross bearer below the forward side of the emergency door ready to accept new steel reinforcement flitch plates. In the late afternoon I cut and finished the new flitch plates ready for drilling tomorrow.
Tag Archives: body frame
A lot of grey paint was applied today to the frame along the back of the bus and down the offside towards the emergency door, including the pillar repaired yesterday.
Whilst the grey paint dried I drilled the cross bearers and pillars for new bolts to fix the gusset plates, adding a few extra bolt holes to increase the strength of the joints. Next I cut out and drilled the rest of the gusset plates. These need deburring and painting then they can be fitted.
The next major task will be fitting the new steel bulkhead to the front of the boot.
This morning I painted a coat of grey onto the new timber on the RH side of the boot door frame and the steel frame that links this to the corner pillar, ready for the corner timber to be fitted. I also spray painted the two gusset plates for this section so this can all be assembled now.
Whilst the paint was drying I cut away the next rotten pillar down the OS and made a replacement. This is also ready for fitting, probably the first job tomorrow as the rest can be done whilst the glue sets.