Tag Archives: cab


Not  much visible progress this week, due to having a bad cold.  I have ordered the steel for the remaining window frames and arranged to collect the moquette from my brother.  Heard from Ifor Evans that the driver’s seat will be ready next week.  I cut out the former for the larger window from 1 inch block and finished it on the sander then cut out some holes for clamping the material.  Shot myself in the foot by not thinking about the smaller window and will no doubt end up having to cut a new former for that.  I then turned my attention to wiring and fitting the indicator switch in the cab, during which I was able to amend the wiring diagram I had prepared earlier.  In preparation for fastening the wiring to the frame in the cab, I repainted the cab grab handles to tidy them up as it will be difficult to do so after the wiring is installed.  Last small jobs were electrical, running the three-core cable for the indicators up from the terminal strip behind the front wheel into the cab.


Started the week by painting the visible bit of the outerpanel at the top of the cab side window opening and preparing the triangular window glass for installing  in the cab.  As I had some topcoat left over I painted the emergency door step and the top and leading upright of the cab door frame.  Next I started work on refurbishing the interior light switch box, removing the labels and cleaning them by knocking the awkward, tiny steel rivets.  A job to do in between others!  Next I fitted the fire extinguisher holder in the cab and polished up a fire extinguisher and placed it in the holder.  At the end of the week I started stripping the remaining original paint from under the front canopy, a difficult, slow job but i made good progress.  The last job of the work was completion of removing the labels from the switch box cover, ready for paint now.


Work continued on from  where I stopped last week, with preparing the remaining three droplight frames for new glass.  I decided I would prime the parts for painting before applying silver hammerite as I found that without it scratches too easily.   The painting was finished by Friday.  A new corner bracket had to be made for one of the lower horizontal pieces and most of the side pieces  needed to be reriveted.  After this was completed I turned my attention to the cab ventilator, stripping the paint of it and cleaning the mesh grill.  The ventilator turned out to be mad eof brass.  There were a few dents in the opening flap which I was able to ease out a bit.