The last few days have been about getting the boot ready for paint. Making adjustments to the right-hand door opening including the recess in the boot floor for the catch and making sure the door actually fits in the opening. Next I prepared the aluminium panel that fits below the boot opening, generally straightening and tapping out the various dents. I gave it a coat of primer and workshop grey on the inner face where it is in contact with the frame. The steel sill has a flange that fits over this, so this panel has to go on in sequence before I can install the lino in the boot. Next I sanded the blue inner corner panels next to the rear window as part of the preparation for painting the area around the rear window with Rover Tahiti blue. Finally I filled, sanded and primed the new woodwork below the rear window ready for painting.
Tag Archives: rear window
The previous few days and today have been about reinstalling the rear window. The glass had dropped and was loose due to the rotten sill and the rubber edging having disintegrated. Having replaced the timber above the boot and below the window and the N/S corner, I reinstalled the glass today with new rubber. Whilst it was a good fit top to bottom, there were gaps at the sides which must have always been there. So I centred the glass and filled the cavities with an air-setting rubber compound called Tek. Once this had been done and set I was able to install the triangle section beading that stops the glass falling out the back of the bus. This was a long and tedious job that was started yesterday afternoon and finished today.
The next job is to hang the boot doors, so I marked out the 1/8″ galvanised steel plate ready for cutting tomorrow to make the hinge plates.
The last few days have been taken up with manufacturing the NS corner piece for the rear window. This took some time as it is a complex shape that tapers in two directions and has a lip that provides location for the glass. I made this in two pieces, the actual corner, made by laminating blocks of Iroko together and the lip as a plate that glues onto the corner, which I made out of some Ash left over from the boot floor boards. The parts were completed yesterday and a trial fit achieved, which revealed more sanding was required to get the right shape and a good fit for the lip piece.
Today I fitted the solid corner piece and the sill I made previously; these all had to be fitted at the same time so they would line up correctly. Then I glued on the lip piece. This now needs to be profile sanded to match the rest of the interior woodwork before it can be painted and the glass re fitted. I also pinned some of the outer panelwork to the sill, last thing.