Applied undercoat to the inside of the cab door, mixed from brick read with a little black in it. Made sure it was thinned well and warmed it so it would dry. Next, I continued with the cab window by starting to strip the paint from the opening glass. The next day was dry and sunny so I took the opportunity to continue prepping the wheel rims, wirebrushing the outer faces of three and giving them a coat of red oxide. It was a bit thin in places so a second coat will need to be done soon, weather forecast suggests the middle of next week. The cab window frame was not screwed together, so I removed it from the glass to make painting easier. I straightened the wonky offside window (no.4 from the fornt) as much as I could, so its slant is not so noticeable from inside as it was, although it is not perfected, so I started to fix it permanently. I finished fixing the rest of the windows, though there might need to be one or two more screws inserted to make sure the bottoms are fluch with the aluminium side panes. At the moment the weather is too cold to do anything else.
Tag Archives: windows
31/12/2024 and year summary for 2024
As this is Christmas and new year week, not much got done but I started the week by completing and testing the wiring of the boot light and its switch. After Christmas, the first job was to update the plan for 2025. When I got out to the bus shed, I primed the remaining cab woodwork as a prelude to painting, ready for fitting of the cab window. I then cleaned and polished the fixed pane of the cab window and cut the remaining piece of steel channel for this pane. I’m awaiting the arrival of some steel angle to complete this with the draught excluder. I also primed the aluminium panel below the cab window on the inside of the cab door and some of the woodword on the emrgency door got a second coat.
As this is the last entry of the year, a summary of work completed in the last twelve months is appropriate.
All the offside half-drop windows were assembled and installed.
New window frames were constructed and new glass fitted for the final non-opening offside window and the emergency door window. The cab offside window was glazed.
The emergency door was rebuilt with new exterior panels and the new window, then rehung and externally primed.
Attention was given to cab details, including the grab handles, fire extinguisher and holder, and the interior lights switch box which was repaired and painted. Paint was stripped from under the front canopy. A new panel was fitted to the inside of the cab door and the cab window frame and slam lock repaired.
The seats were removed, and retrimmed in the correct moquette (sourced from Facebook appeals) and brown vinyl by Ifor Evans. The driver’s seat was also retrimmed by Ifor.
On the electrical side, the indicator switch in the cab was partially cabled, the destination box had the bulb holders installed and wiring through to the cab completed. The boot lamp was installed and wired up to a the switch and successfully tested.
The wheels had their tyres removed and the rims sandblasted and partially primed.
A good start to the week was made by welding the new channel into the cab door window frame. I also painted the edges of the last metal plate for the rear seat back and found a suitable piece of beading to finish the job neatly. Next job was to fit the second hinge to the emergency door, – I had been awaiting the correct size screws – and then hang it back on the body. I then was able to fit the window to it, thus completing all the offside windows except for the cab door, which I turned to next, welding in the short channel for the fixed pane, finishing the welds and then applying a coat of primer after checking the glass still fitted! Final dust and leaf removal from the roof was also carried out, then I turned my attention to finishing the roof repair over the entrance door with P38.